Friday, February 8, 2013

Chemo, round 4

The worst part about chemo to this point has been the aftermath of the chemo, not the treatment themselves.
On Tuesday of this week I had a PET scan, which shows where the cancer is and if it's spread, gotten smaller, etc. My oncologist told me Wednesday afternoon that the large B cell lymphoma in my neck is gone, and the small B cell lymphoma in my sinuses is in remission. That was the best news possible from the situation. After the sixth chemo treatment I'm not sure if I'll regular PET scans or what exactly will happen since the oncologist said the small B cell couldn't be cured, but could be treated.
On Wednesday I started out again with the intrathecal chemo, where they do a lumbar puncture to draw out some spinal fluid then inject some chemo (methotrexate to be exact) into my spinal column so it can get to my brain. I wasn't feeling so hot by the time the intrathecal (on the 6th floor of UAB hospital) was over and I was waiting to be called back to the infusion room (at Kirklin Clinic) for the regular chemo. I slept most of the time, which was good.
Wednesday night wasn't as bad as the first two rounds had been. I've learned to eat very little on chemo day to lessen the likelihood of getting too sick that night. I was sick (again, throw-up sick) Thursday morning, and like cr*p most of the day Thursday and Thursday night, but not as bad as last time.
I feel a little better today and have eaten more ( a one egg omelet this morning and a blueberry pancake tonight) than on Fridays after rounds two and three, but not as much as I usually eat, which is too much. Hopefully by Monday I'll feel up to taking on a Moe's burrito.
My brother, Barry, was with me for the day on Wednesday and Audrey was with me after my middle stepdaughter had surgery at a different hospital the same day.
Thanks for the continued prayers. I'll still have the fifth and sixth chemo treatments to further make sure all the bad gunkie is gone.
Shout outs to all who have offered their prayers, good thoughts, and best wishes.
God is good. I got good results, but even if the doctor would've said the cancer had spread, God would still be good.

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