Sunday, March 31, 2013

Random post-chemo thoughts

One of the things I'm most grateful for is that I never got a headache after any of the six lumbar punctures I had, 5 for methotrexate and 1 in an ER visit in January. I was always told it was a possibility, and they are very severe, so I thank God I never got one.
"Monday" isn't nearly as scary as "lymphoma," "cancer," "chemo," or a number of other scary words. Everything is a matter of perspective. It got to where things at work didn't upset me as much as they used to, especially if I was feeling okay physically.
Still waiting for all of my short-term disability days to get approved so my vacation days can be restored. I was going to have all this week off, but will  only be off Monday and Tuesday as it looks now. At least that way I'll have the other days for later.
It's hard for me to watch commercials for Cancer Treatment Centers of America. As far as I know they do a great job, but I'm not to a point yet where I can see treatment facilities without it bringing back too many memories that brought about days of very uncomfortable recovery.
Last year's Christmas season (Advent in the liturgical calendar, then Christmas beginning Christmas Day) and this year's Lenten season haven't meant as much to me since it seemed like I was spending all my time either going to chemo, getting over the effects, or getting ready to go again. Hopefully I can enjoy and appreciate Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter more in the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. Just checking in to see how you're doing, David. I think of you often.

    Sharon (Writing Well)
