Friday, January 4, 2013

A night at the ER

I got a headache on New Year's Day (not from drinking) and it still hung around until yesterday, January 3. Plus I felt more lethargic than usual, and looked pale. I called the oncologist's office yesterday afternoon and they told me to go to the ER to have some lab work done. I got there at 5 PM.
First lesson learned - don't carry a pocket knife to the ER. I had mine with me when we got to the UAB ER and it was confiscated. I later was reminded there was a shooting at another local hospital a couple of weeks ago.
I explained about 4 or 5 times what I'd told the doctor's office and what they'd told me. The ER was very busy and we (Audrey and I) were pleasantly surprised when we were in a room within the ER examining/treatment area between 6:30 and 7. The doctors were concerned I could have meningitis so they eventually did a CAT scan of my head and took spinal fluid (yes, another lumbar puncture). At one point before the lumbar puncture they gave me morphine for pain. Within a few seconds of having it put in my IV I felt worse, and continued to feel worse until they gave me something for nausea, caused mainly by the morphine, and something else for pain. I found out I don't react well to it and hope I never have to have it again.
We were told there was about an 85% chance I'd be admitted and kept overnight, if only because it could take several hours for the spinal fluid to be examined.
That turned out to not be the case. We left a little before 2 AM and drove home. Early in the evening I'd asked the doctor if I'd be able to work today, he laughed and said no. I retrieved my pocket knife from the security station before leaving.
The headache and extreme fatigue were probably caused from a reaction to the intrathecal chemo I'd gotten on Dec 26. Everything was clear as far as meningitis or encephalitis goes. I have an appointment with my oncologist on Monday, hopefully he'll be able to shed some light on what all happened and why. Post-chemo second round has been much worse than after the first round. The third round is Wednesday, January 16. At least I already know I'll be off work until Tuesday, January 22.
And still waiting for all of the short-term disability stuff to get worked out.

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