Saturday, January 19, 2013

Third round of chemo

The day of my third round of chemo, Wednesday, January 16, started by getting to the office at the UAB medical center and finding out they didn't have me scheduled for the intrathecal. It was corrected eventually, so no biggie, just put everything behind a couple of hours.
I didn't get sick (as in throw-up sick) on the night of the chemo this time, but did the next morning. Thursday was a bad day, but Friday was a little better. I'm off work until Tuesday, so should feel most of the way better by then.
I have another PET scan on February 5, the day before chemo round 4.
Haven't shaved my head yet, though about half to two thirds of my already thinning hair has fallen out. I'll probably shave it or get it shaved in the next couple of weeks. Whether or not I have hair is far down on my list of concerns, though.
I appreciate all of the continued prayers and good wishes. I especially want to thank my wife, Audrey, my church family at Lamb of God Church in Helena, Alabama, my high school class - Selma High class of 79 - still friends after all these years, other family members, friends, fellow writer and Facebook friends (whether we've met face to face or not, they're still friends) who've asked how I'm doing. If I left any group out, it wasn't intentional.
Had a great time tonight playing Stephen King Trivia on Facebook. Those folks have tremendous senses of humor and help keep me laughing.
The One who is on the throne sees all, knows all, and is over all.

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