Monday, November 12, 2012

ramblings while awaiting next doctor's appointment

I have another CAT scan scheduled for Wednesday at 4 but I'll go early, around 11, in hopes they can fit me  in since my surgical follow-up appointment is at 1:45 PM. If he has the CAT scan, hopefully he'll go ahead and get me a consult to an oncologist.
So far the physical pain has been limited to the post-surgery discomfort that eased off after a couple of days this time. I was out and about for about three hours this afternoon and was tired before I got home. It's kind of embarrassing to go in PetSmart and having to get someone older than me to take the 40 pound bag of cat litter to the car for me. As per doctor's orders, I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy. Wouldn't want the stitches on my neck to bust open.
The mental part of dealing with the what-ifs and I-hope-nots is the worst part so far. I'm in a great online fiction writing/critique group but I've had a hard time really getting into it since all this started. If any of you from that group are reading this, I really hope to be back in the swing of things soon. I think it'll be easier for me to do more reading, writing, critiquing after I know more of what I'm facing and what the course of action will be.
I've been getting more rest in the last five of six weeks than I have in recent memory. Since I'm not at Publix right now (it remains to be seen if I'll be there in the future as an employee) I have nights and Saturdays free. Great. For the first time in several years I'm not working every Saturday during football season, and my team sucks big time.
I haven't gone on the internet and done as much research as Audrey has about different types of lymphoma, where the best doctors are, etc. I haven't had the desire to. That might change after we have a clearer picture of the immediate future.
Friends old and new from around the world are praying for me, and that makes me feel good, sure, but I also believes that God literally answers prayer, so I'm counting on the effect being more than just a case of the warm fuzzies. Some folks don't get healed. I don't know why, but I'm not concentrating on that. Sometimes the only answer to life's difficult questions is "I don't know." But God is good, merciful, and compassionate.
Going to have lunch tomorrow with a good friend I haven't seen in a long time. Good friends and good Mexican food. Looking forward to it. My ancestry it French and English but my favorite foods are Mexican and Italian.
I guess that's all for now. Time to read a few pages out of Stephen King's Wind through the Keyhole and go to bed.

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