Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Chemo round 2

I started the day with intrathecal chemo and now waiting to be called back for the regular chemo regime to begin. The intrathecal involved a lumbar puncture and the doctor injected some kind of chemo into my spine. Will add more later. Need to find some coffee.
The last paragraph was from around noon, now it's almost 6 PM and we just got home. I found a cup of coffee and it probably wasn't a good idea since I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since before midnight last night, as per orders for the intrathecal chemo. Not sure if the coffee on an empty stomach made feel bad or if my blood sugar was nose diving, but I felt bad for about a half hour, but once I was in the infusion room and had a few bites to eat I started feeling better.
For the next four days I'll do what I didn't do after my first chemo treatment - rest and recuperate as much as possible. The Gatorade has been poured and the bed is calling my name.

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