Monday, December 17, 2012

Post first chemo treatment update

My first chemo treatment was 12 days ago. For the first few days I woke up feeling okay but by lunch was pretty much exhausted. My stomach felt not-right for a week, and still does to a lesser extent.
I haven't been eating as much as I used to but am by no means on a starvation diet. Haven't had a cheeseburger since chemo day when I threw it up a few hours afterwards. When I have eaten too much I've felt bloated and stuffed for several hours. I've always been a nap taker but find myself taking them more than I used to whenever possible.
Most of the swelling in my neck and under my right eye went down after the first chemo session, as Dr. Forero said it would.
I'm getting hats/caps to wear after I lose my hair, which will probably be after the upcoming treatment. Some guys have the cue-ball look, but I think I'll stick to wearing a cap most of the time after I lose my hair.
Guess that's about it for now.

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