Thursday, December 6, 2012

First chemo session

I had my first round of chemotherapy yesterday. I was going to update this blog last night but didn't quite feel up to it.
I started the day getting bloodwork done, which will precede every chemo treatment.
We saw the education nurse who did a very good job of going over the different chemo meds I'd be getting and what side effects could be for each. I'm getting what's known as R-CHOP chemo, with each letter standing for a different chemo drug. I asked if I MIGHT lose my hair or would DEFINITELY lose my hair, and I was assured I'd lose it all, but it'll grow back. I had figured that would be the case. I was told I wouldn't need any nausea medication the night of chemo since the chemo drugs have anti-nausea meds in them. Ha-ha-ha! Joke's on me. Everybody responds differently, and I am evidently the exception to the 'no nausea meds needed on the night of chemo' rule.
The chemo infusion room is set up with I think 20 something recliners in a row around the wall, each with curtains on the side for a measure of privacy. I've been asked if I'd be getting a port to be used for each treatment. No port, they give all of it through an IV line. Before the actual chemo drugs began I got some IV Benadryl. Good stuff. I spent the day napping, reading, checking facebook, but mainly napping.
The IV treatment started around 9:30 or 10 and one type of chemo or another was going until about 4:15 PM. They had plenty of stuff to drink and snacks, and Audrey got me a cheeseburger for lunch, which I lost a few hours later.
At 4:30 I thought a cheese pizza would be good for supper, but within a couple of hours I had decided it did not sound good at all. I started feeling 'not right' about 6 PM while we were in WalMart getting stuff I'd need (Benadryl, Zyrtec, etc). I went to bed as soon as we got home and finally threw up about 9. So much for not needing anything for nausea.
I felt a little better this morning and logged into my work network to work from home. A light breakfast (one scrambled egg with cheese) didn't do any damage, but I was tired before lunchtime. I got the cheese pizza delivered  I'd decided against last night. Only had 2 pieces.
After my next round of chemo I'll probably take a day or two off. I was pushing it to work today, and we'll see how tomorrow and the weekend go. Next time I'll get intrathecal chemo as well, which will allow the chemo to get to my brain, since regular chemo can't get past the 'blood-brain-corridor', and part of the lymphoma is close to my brain.
I truly appreciate my friends who have offered a 'natural herbal' remedy for cancer treatment, but it's illegal in Alabama (medicinal or not) and I don't want to spend time between treatments in lock-up.
My next treatment is December 26.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, David. My heart goes out to you. Hope this treatment has the results you need. Keep posting. Makes me feel better, knowing at least I can 'share' the experience with you in a blog. You are one of the brightest, funniest and sweetest man I have met online. Your friendship means a lot. Keep smiling...between pukes. LOL Love to you and your family.
