Monday, October 29, 2012

another surgery scheduled

The surgeon said the biopsies from my previous surgeries came back negative for lymphoma, even though one of them still didn't have enough tissue to run thorough tests.
The original issue was a growth/swollen gland in my neck. He'll be doing surgery on November 8 to get tissue for a biopsy and frozen section to see what's going on with it. Depending on what he finds, he'll either sew me back up, or things could get more complicated really quickly. He seems to think they'll get complicated, and without going into a lot of detail, there will be two routes he could end up taking.
I'm praying he won't find anything cancerous unless it's benign and limited to an area he can go ahead and take care of. As before, steps after that will depend on what's found.
Thanks for the continued prayers.
On the lighter side, the nose spray I'm supposed to use three times a day is making me a little jittery. I might have to switch to decaf.

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